And hey, everyone got Jawbreakers in the end, with the Eds seemingly getting spare money for more. This could have been another Bittersweet Ending, had it not been for the fact Eddy deserved his beat-down at the end. Earn Your Happy Ending: Most episodes in this show are either bitter or just downright sadistic.The Dog Bites Back: Ed and Edd ultimately double-team Eddy and force him to be the subject of a painful scam to get Sarah's money back after he tried to make money off of their suffering and keep it for himself.When Ed realizes this and rightly panics, Eddy just assumes that not saying anything will eventually lead to Sarah forgetting about the fudge and letting them get away with it. Did Not Think This Through: Eddy badgers Ed into spending Sarah's money on jawbreakers, never at any point considering that Ed doing so would land them all in hot water.Bullying a Dragon: Eddy does this to Sarah by wrongfully spending her own money on jawbreakers and then trying to keep all the money the Eds owe Sarah all to himself.'Brother, Can You Spare an Ed?' provides examples of: